I was in a pretty foul mood yesterday.... everybody was talking about the "royal" wedding.... seriously.......... Why are humans so happy to give their own value to someone else? It has been scientifically proven that we all contain the geometric blueprint of the universe, we are all walking universes, and here we want to give our own being to someone else to exploit and abuse. I mean, everybody is happy to be spending so much of their own money on the royal wedding without batting an eyelid, whilst so many people are unemployed or starving in their own country............seems like over the centuries nothing has changed with the human psyche, just technology............. We need to take a stand and claim back our sovereignty, so that we can end poverty and war, so that we can live a life we WANT to live, not HAVE to live because others demand it. Our new slogans should be........THIS IS ME, I AM FREE!
"On unnecessary pedestals............"
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Day 33
What is it with human obsession that so often drives us? Here I am, dead tired, cause I wasn't going to go to bed until I did a decent and detailed pen and ink drawing. I often wonder why I do this to myself time and again. Like one day I decided to build a wood fired pizza oven...... never even laid a brick in my life before, but here I was, on a one week holiday and determined to build my own oven. Yes, I did it, four days later it was built - not the prettiest of all ovens, but it works perfectly. In fact, since then I have built five more ovens for other people and special masonry bake ovens for a small fishing village. Now, this had me thinking..... if human obsession is such a positive driving force, why do we always use it for war? And the worst thing is, some idiots decide they want to fight, so instead of getting their hands dirty, they use innocent people to fight for them............ and yet nobody seems to notice that. I sometimes feel as if I could grab every single human on this earth at the same time, shake them and say "Wake the f..... up!!! See how you are being controlled!" Obsession...........
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Day 32
Well, not much to say today, my daughter wanted another faerie pic, so I did one for her. Kinda makes me think about the beauty of childhood innocence - how they still see the world with all its wonders and the beauty that it holds. Wouldn't it be fantastic if we all still perceived the world that way? Life would be a visual feast, full of wonders around every corner. Perhaps humanity has become too "grown up" for their own well being.......
"Just a thought.........."
"Just a thought.........."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Day 31
I have a great fascination and respect for the faerie worlds, very much part of mother nature, they live and breathe the essence which is our "world". Yet their world and evolution is much slower and different from ours, most of them despise humans, mostly because we do not respect the earth. Recently, more and more people are awakening their ability to see the "other" worlds, something that is and should be quite natural for all humans, though we have been taught from a young age not to believe in "these things". Kinda reminds me of ostriches, whenever humans don't understand something we just put our heads in the ground and ignore it as if it doesn't exist. No wonder they call us sleepwalkers.......
"Worlds we don't see......."
"Worlds we don't see......."
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day 30
So many ideas occupying my days, and so much going on, beginning to neglect what I started out to do ~ need to fix that soon. You know, what if we were taught the truth in school....... yes I know, truth + school = oil + water. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they incorporated new ideas in science, math, medicine etc into the curriculums of the universities and schools and gave he students the freedom to explore those ideas just like the research faculties do. Technology would develop ten times faster, and ten times better, for the benefit of all on earth and the earth itself. Why are we still using traditional and nuclear energy when Tesla energy is free, clean and secretly being used by the American military. People should stop just accepting things and start asking questions, this is our earth, our lives, our future.........
"What if............"
"What if............"
Monday, April 25, 2011
Day 29
It's kinda strange, whenever I sit down to draw something "real", I instantly feel like it's a chore, it goes slowly and I'm not really motivated to do it. On the other hand, if I just sit with a blank paper and start drawing, no planning, just draw whatever comes into my mind, it seems to flow effortlessly and is a lot of fun to do. It made me think - if we could do the same with our jobs, just do what feels natural and a good thing to do, wouldn't our jobs and lives be much better, more creative and happier? In fact, if we applied this to all areas of life, just doing day by day what felt natural and right, wouldn't life be an exciting and wonderful adventure? I think that's the way it was meant to be for us, and somehow we lost track of that.......
"An odd thing........."
"An odd thing........."
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Day 28
Drunvalo Melchizedek (http://www.drunvalo.net/index.html) wrote a book called The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - Volume I and II. It's a wonderful book and talks about how all of creation is based on certain shapes and algorithms. Actually I have to smile, cause everything he wrote in his book years ago has now been proven mathematically by Nassim Haramein. Working with fractals lately, and especially 3D fractals, it's pretty amazing to see how math creates images. In many instances, images that mimic some simple forms of life on earth. Considering all creation, the Creator must be a pretty amazing mathematician!
It's a fractal world.......
It's a fractal world.......
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Day 27
Everything in life is a matter of perception. My wife has been talking and complaining about people and clothing companies sexualising kids, producing clothing totally inappropriate for very young kids. Bras and hot pants for three-year olds?? I won't dress my daughter in that, I still want her to have a childhood, playing in the dirt, riding her bicycle with her friends, just being a kid. But then, it's a matter of perception, because those clothing companies wouldn't be in business if they didn't sell.......
"A matter of perception........"
"A matter of perception........"
Friday, April 22, 2011
Day 26
I spy in my I(ris) - a setting sun, a castle, a cottage, an igloo, skyscrapers, an earth, two mushroom houses, a forest, nine mountains, a moon, a waterfall, an apple tree AND twenty-five faces ~ good luck!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Day 25
I once read a book call "The nature of personal reality" by Seth (Jane Roberts). It was really an eye opener that completely changed my life, the way I thought and what I believed. We all know the Secret and The Law of Attraction, a phenomenon that has been proven to occur even in science, so even they have to acknowledge it. Anyway, this book goes much deeper than that. Basically, everything that you believe and think creates your life, and since we all have our own set of believes and thoughts, we walk around in our own little hologram that we create for ourselves to experience life in. That's why the Secret says it takes about 3 weeks for changes to start, because if you learn about neuro programming, it takes 3 weeks to re-program the brain. Some people every argue that we all live on our own "world", that there are billions of "worlds" in the same space, and our worlds interact with each other and sometimes as a "nation of worlds", a group consciousness as such. That is why when a person changes, their "world" moves away from old friends' worlds and we "lose touch". Interesting to think about it, whatever it is you "believe"....... ;-)
"Our own reality........."
"Our own reality........."
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Day 24
I know a bunch of people that are completely against technology, they don't have a TV, radio, no microwave, yet they conveniently use mobile phones and a car - go figure! Personally though, I'm quite in favor of technology, it makes our lives easier, helps the environment in most cases, improves lives.... Just imagine them spending all that money they spend building weapons of war, on technology that can benefit us all. Household chores would be done for you, most jobs would be automated, we could spend our times pursuing activities that bring us joy. Far fetched? Not really. The military uses technology ten times most advanced than consumers do, and all because we allow it. It's time we say no and stop giving them money, this is our world, it belongs to us, not a handful of a-holes.
"It's a cyber world...."
"It's a cyber world...."
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Day 23
Rush, rush, rush...... it seems everybody's lives are so conveniently occupied by their daily "chores" they miss life completely. I'm sure many people have asked the question, "Is this what there is to life?" Then they reward themselves at the end of a busy day by plonking down in front of the TV, wasting away and missing life completely. Perhaps if we just simplify our lives........
"Simpler lives....."
"Simpler lives....."
Monday, April 18, 2011
Day 22
Most of us saw the "other" world when we were young, we had our invisible friends, spoke to animals and maybe fairies, we were one with the universe. Then began our "education", a left brain system of logic, rules, organized systems that were fed to us day in and day out. Creativity, freedom, imagination, our true self could not be tolerated. After years of careful brainwashing, the logical left-brainwashed individuals were ready for our lives of being controlled, follow orders like you are told, do what makes it easier to control us.
Listen to your children when they speak about dimensions you can't see, they often have great messages to tell us. It will be our children who will show us the way to peace and love, and lead us into the new age....... let them be free with their thoughts ........ and imaginations.........
"Same minds ...same faces....."
Listen to your children when they speak about dimensions you can't see, they often have great messages to tell us. It will be our children who will show us the way to peace and love, and lead us into the new age....... let them be free with their thoughts ........ and imaginations.........
"Same minds ...same faces....."
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Day 21
You know, we humans are so idiotic and gullable. Take the field of science and medicine for example. For many things in science, scientists will try to think how something works, then do experiments to find out how something works, and if they can't prove it, make an "educated" theory of how something "should" work. Do the scientists know what really happened in our evolotion? No, but we just believe their "educated" guesses. Seriously, some old fart just sits on his rocking chair, thinks up some shit, and because he is a "renowned" scholar, the world believes all the crap! And this isn't even joking, there is so many things scientists have absolutely no clue haow it works, yet the "theories" they come up with are being taught in every school and college around the world as if it's gospel, DESPITE the fact that many of these theories have been PROVEN wrong.
There is a brilliant mind in science today, Nassim Haramein. Now here's a dude that's a bit sober, and smart. If you have time, check out his video talk, it's long, but really worth it. "Part 1":http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6151699791256390335# and "Part 2":http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1895475242307393956&hl=en&emb=1#. He is just one of many new young scientists emerging with more truths than guesswork.
And the medical industry? There are a ton of documentaries made my real reporters about the scandals of the pharmaceutical industry, how they know that many drugs slowly kill us, but because they eradicate one symptom, we can take them. Wow! Isn't that cool! You don't hear your doctor say, "Well, now Mr. Jones, I'm going to put you on a lifetime prescription of these drugs that are slowly going to kill you. But don't worry, for the side effects I'm going to give you some other drugs that are going to kill you some more, and another drug that I have no clue what it does, but the manual from the pharmaceutical industry says I have to give it to you. And of course, it's going to cost you a fortune, you are not going to work to enjoy your life, you are going to work to pay for these unnecessary pills, because if you just changed to a healthy lifestyle, all of these things would not be needed. There you go Mr. Jones. Now piss off and die."
Seriously, don't believe me. Do your own research and then you will see for yourself.....
"Inspected like cattle...."
There is a brilliant mind in science today, Nassim Haramein. Now here's a dude that's a bit sober, and smart. If you have time, check out his video talk, it's long, but really worth it. "Part 1":http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6151699791256390335# and "Part 2":http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1895475242307393956&hl=en&emb=1#. He is just one of many new young scientists emerging with more truths than guesswork.
And the medical industry? There are a ton of documentaries made my real reporters about the scandals of the pharmaceutical industry, how they know that many drugs slowly kill us, but because they eradicate one symptom, we can take them. Wow! Isn't that cool! You don't hear your doctor say, "Well, now Mr. Jones, I'm going to put you on a lifetime prescription of these drugs that are slowly going to kill you. But don't worry, for the side effects I'm going to give you some other drugs that are going to kill you some more, and another drug that I have no clue what it does, but the manual from the pharmaceutical industry says I have to give it to you. And of course, it's going to cost you a fortune, you are not going to work to enjoy your life, you are going to work to pay for these unnecessary pills, because if you just changed to a healthy lifestyle, all of these things would not be needed. There you go Mr. Jones. Now piss off and die."
Seriously, don't believe me. Do your own research and then you will see for yourself.....
"Inspected like cattle...."
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Day 20
What if........
What if mother earth is not just a rock flying around in space? What if she is a living organism millions of years old, but still a child in her own development? What if this child is to enter the next stage of her evolution and grow up a bit? What if she's had enough of humanity's constant abuse, negative thoughts, wars, destruction and hatred? What if the increase of earthquake activity and natural disasters around the world are warnings? What if humanity has had their last chances to make amends with her and didn't? What if we are not welcome on earth anymore?
What if.......
What if mother earth is not just a rock flying around in space? What if she is a living organism millions of years old, but still a child in her own development? What if this child is to enter the next stage of her evolution and grow up a bit? What if she's had enough of humanity's constant abuse, negative thoughts, wars, destruction and hatred? What if the increase of earthquake activity and natural disasters around the world are warnings? What if humanity has had their last chances to make amends with her and didn't? What if we are not welcome on earth anymore?
What if.......
Friday, April 15, 2011
Day 19
I was listening to an old song the other day, "Don't stand so close to me" and I realized (very sadly) how we as humanity have changed to become almost uncivilized. Surely being civil does not only depend on the level of technology, if civil means the manner in which we treat each other........ well now, then we truly are still barbarians. We all talk about "the good old days", but there was a time when I knew my butcher, green grocer, supermarket owner all by name, they would greet you and inquire about your family and you would do the same. Everyone was nice to each other....... just what happened? In today's world we have become very adept at making clever excuses for not acting civil to each other, "it's just business", "it's being professional", bla bla bla....
Where does the humanity come in? Have we been so brainwashed by years of violent TV programs that we have become "switched off" ?
"Don't stand so close to me...."
Where does the humanity come in? Have we been so brainwashed by years of violent TV programs that we have become "switched off" ?
"Don't stand so close to me...."
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Day 18
One disfavor we tend to continually do to ourselves is not having "quiet time". I don't mean go to the gym, or spa, or go running or attend to a hobby ~ really just QUIET time. Meditation. Most people seem to underestimate the power of this simple art, yet the most powerful people in the world meditate on a regular basis..... they have discovered that which the monks have known for centuries ~ thought create matter. So many people I know have read The Secret, then they put the book down, do nothing, and months later complain that their lives didn't change. The law of attraction needs a thought to attract to......
Perhaps we could all do with turning off the tv and radio and just be quiet.......
"Quiet contemplation......."
Perhaps we could all do with turning off the tv and radio and just be quiet.......
"Quiet contemplation......."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Day 17
You know, the recent quake and tsunami in Japan really brought people together, for the first time people started caring for each other instead themselves. Why is it that we need a dramatic disaster and lose everything around us before we can start caring about the people around us. Everyday people scurry around in their own obsessive compulsive worlds, without noticing or caring about others. We see the homeless next to the road and make up our own stories that created their demise, but do we stop to ask? DO we offer help? Do we try to understand why they would choose that life?
If natural disasters are the only way to bring humanity together, then I fear our future looks pretty bleak. The rate natural disasters have increased, I might just be right, either we learn to take care of each other by ourselves, or we will be forced to. There are other powers at work here, ones we are unaware of........
"Many hands make humanity........."
If natural disasters are the only way to bring humanity together, then I fear our future looks pretty bleak. The rate natural disasters have increased, I might just be right, either we learn to take care of each other by ourselves, or we will be forced to. There are other powers at work here, ones we are unaware of........
"Many hands make humanity........."
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 16
Being peculiar.......... why is it that being peculiar adds attention to our presence? Of course we all understand the reasoning or need behind it, our society by large makes sure that most people feel inadequate, incapable and not beautiful. We laugh at peculiar people with their orange hair, funny clothes or what ever else it is they fancy, and they do get what they want, attention. Of course, this is not always the reasoning behind it, sometimes it is just a personal like or choice. I mean, I would love to have blue skin, blue hair, blue teeth...... but I don't see that happening quite soon ;-) Now, the question is, why don't we find grotesquely ugly people interesting? Leonardo Da Vince was famed for having dinner parties for the ugliest people in his village, where he would sketch them while they were gorging themselves with food and wine. I actually understand his reasoning....... appreciate the ugly to appreciate the beautiful........
"Mr. and Mrs. Peculiar........"
"Mr. and Mrs. Peculiar........"
Monday, April 11, 2011
Day 15
Just how "switched off" are we? In today's society, we are physically taught "not to think", everything is made so simple and easy, that we are not even required to do simple mathematical equations. How many people add up their grocery totals before getting to the counter? Most people believe that education stops when we finish college, and what they don't realize is that they become more stupid every year. That must suit the governments really, so easy to control sheep that don't think for themselves, just feed them what you want them to hear so that they do what you want them to do, and all the while they are blissfully unaware that they are not even in control of their own lives............ Don't think so? Look at the current education systems around the world...... shocking isn't the word. Think people are clever? There are a series of videos on youtube to prove my point. Go and look up "Germans (Americans)(British) are NOT stupid." And then wonder how the world actually functions.....
Mechanically human........
Mechanically human........
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Day 14
Here's a thought...... How many of you really believe in the theory of evolution? Seriously, we just happened to evolve from a soup of "just right" ingredients? And the sudden leap from ape-man to human? Right.........
What if we were created as an experiment by a group or groups of superior beings, let's say superior geneticists, where money and material possessions do not matter, but rather the creation of life............ and here we think we are the cat's whiskers because we can herd cattle and fly to the moon. What if we have been cattle all along, and just don't realize it? Two hundred billion stars in a galaxy, each capable of having a solar system, so far hundreds of billions of galaxies identified......... ufo sightings every day around the world....... come on...... we need to wake up a bit and get our heads out of our butts and realize what's going on this planet.....
"Intentional creators...."
What if we were created as an experiment by a group or groups of superior beings, let's say superior geneticists, where money and material possessions do not matter, but rather the creation of life............ and here we think we are the cat's whiskers because we can herd cattle and fly to the moon. What if we have been cattle all along, and just don't realize it? Two hundred billion stars in a galaxy, each capable of having a solar system, so far hundreds of billions of galaxies identified......... ufo sightings every day around the world....... come on...... we need to wake up a bit and get our heads out of our butts and realize what's going on this planet.....
"Intentional creators...."
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Day 13
Soooo........ did a manga sketch for a change and it got me thinking. Why did the Japanese start the manga thing and why isn't the normal human face good enough. I mean sure, anime is cute and all, but ever tried using photoshop to change a human face to anime? I have, and it's NOT cute, in fact, it's outright scary! Why is it that just being "normal" isn't good enough? Almost like were are looking down upon ourselves the whole time. Magazines are dressed by the most beautiful men and women, the same for every add. What is it about being normal that is so "bad"? Or have we been brainwashed by society that only certain people are allowed to be "good" enough? Worth a thought......
"Anime-ted faces"......
"Anime-ted faces"......
Friday, April 8, 2011
Day 12
"The windows through which we see....." What is it that we each see? Don't we see through our "thoughts" rather than through our eyes? This might seem absurd, but let's just think about it for a moment..... perhaps we look at a glass of water. How we perceive that particular glass of water depends on our past and present experiences and thoughts, just like a fingerprint, no-one will look at that glass of water in the same way.....
Think about it..........
Think about it..........
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Day 11
"It's a mushroom world"..... Do we ever stop and perceive things from the eyes of something seemingly insignificant like an insect? Perhaps we are just insects in a much bigger "world", being looked upon by magnificent and powerful beings, and whilst we sit basking in our own wonder, the puppeteers pull the strings that make us dance to their tunes.......
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 10
What is it that we really see? We have this high and mighty view of ourselves, yet scientists have concluded that we can only perceive 0.01% of what is "out there". And we laugh at those who "see" angels, demons, fairies, aliens etc. Seriously? Who should be laughed at........ if there is so much space to hide in, we are only occupying a tiny bit of what there is, and what we see is just an illusion of what our vision allows us to see. I think most of the time we are half asleep wandering around in our own thoughts, totally unaware of what is happening around us...... we truly are "unconscious"....
"Delusions of an illusionary world" is what I call this one....... for the reasons above...
"Delusions of an illusionary world" is what I call this one....... for the reasons above...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 9
It's surprising how we miss the obvious things in life.... do we notice the progression of plants growing in our gardens or those around us? Do we notice what we see, or do we really just 'see what we want to see', just like we 'hear only that what we want to hear'? Even to the extent that we've become so dulled that we only notice that what we wish to notice, and leave the rest to flurry past us like a whirlwind of unimportant events that just make up part of our life. Think about it........ and then really think about it.....
Maybe now you can think about it....
"Study of a tomato plant"....... cause we don't notice the obvious in the blur of noise we call everyday life....
Maybe now you can think about it....
"Study of a tomato plant"....... cause we don't notice the obvious in the blur of noise we call everyday life....
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day 8
It's all about perspective...... what we see and what we don't see. I don't know know if it's this project or not, but recently I've started noticing things that have always been there, yet I never saw them. I'm also noticing minute details about everything..... I think it's a good thing actually, Da Vinci did say we should view the world with ALL our senses, and so do the buddhist monks ~ to really experience the NOW, experience it with all your senses at the same time. Try it, it's almost to hard to bear, kind of an overload. As an excercise from a book called "How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci", one had to stop talking an entire day, to HEAR things we never notice before. It's incredibly amazing to do this, you don't realize the sounds around you until you shut your trap and listen, really listen. I would recommend this to everyone!
Back to the sketch. Thia particular sketch took forever, just because of the hundreds of tiny circles I drew in between the bigger circles. It was really fun though, I had no idea what it would look like, just kept on drawing little circles here and there until it reached a stage where the patterns seemed to make sense. It would be cool to see what others see in this image............ it's all a matter of perspective.
Back to the sketch. Thia particular sketch took forever, just because of the hundreds of tiny circles I drew in between the bigger circles. It was really fun though, I had no idea what it would look like, just kept on drawing little circles here and there until it reached a stage where the patterns seemed to make sense. It would be cool to see what others see in this image............ it's all a matter of perspective.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Day 7
You know, perusing through some of the artist's work on Redbubble got me thinking....... here we have some incredibly talented people with fantastic art, creating magnificent work....... and yet we do not see them earning millions and having fame and glory. Same goes with most musicians, especially those that play in orchestras. It takes years of diligent practice to master their instruments, but if it doesn't entertain the majority of the world's unconscious population, nobody notices or rewards them for their art.
Inspired by this optimism, I just closed my eyes and drew the face staring back at me. It was as if he wanted to be drawn, the image just stayed there in my mind, clear as daylight.......until I was done, and then it disappeared..... Kind of reminds me of an anime face, but perhaps it's more than that. Perhaps the combined image of millions of struggling artists worldwide, trying to make a living out of what they really enjoy.....their art....their passion....their lives...
Inspired by this optimism, I just closed my eyes and drew the face staring back at me. It was as if he wanted to be drawn, the image just stayed there in my mind, clear as daylight.......until I was done, and then it disappeared..... Kind of reminds me of an anime face, but perhaps it's more than that. Perhaps the combined image of millions of struggling artists worldwide, trying to make a living out of what they really enjoy.....their art....their passion....their lives...
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Day 6
Draw what you like to give you inspiration......hmmm....I like boats. For some reason I just love simple little boats, especially old and weathered ones. Even wrecked boats have their own special appeal. I had fun drawing this boat, even though it may not be perfect, the general idea is there. At this stage I'm still working on getting perspective and basic shapes right instead of detail. Looking at other pencil artist's work I'm really in awe of their talent and ability to produce incredible artworks.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Day 5
Every once in a while we close our eyes and imagine something - maybe ridiculous, cute, funny whatever.... and then we try to put that on paper. Ha! Especially when it is something we cannot really reference it can be pretty hard to do..... I found that out with this sketch. I had a totally different point of view in my head, but when I started sketching...... right, not so easy. On the other hand, it was really wonderful having a freedom to do whatever I wanted and it would be okay - I'm definitely doing it again, probably a LOT more, so much fun!
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