Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 49

I think we take life too seriously, we don't allow ourselves time for us, cause we are always busy with our 'responsibilities' - sometimes it really helps looking at the lighter side of life ~ fills your life with light and love!

"On the lighter side............."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 46

If I look at humans on this planet, I feel as if we honestly haven't evolved much at all since the days of cavemen. In fact, we might have devolved instead! Think about this........we poison our own air, then breathe it............we poison our water,then drink it.............. we poison the plants and animals, then consume it.......... we poison ourselves...... and wonder why we get sick and die.............halle-f..cking-luja!

Next time you go grocery shopping, think what you are putting in your basket, you might want to read the labels and list of ingredients. If it looks like a science lab inventory list.....DON'T consume it or put it on your body, unless of course you like o be sick and die. And if you don't believe me, do your own research, there are thousands of studies that have proven how artificial colors and flavors cause cancer and other diseases, the same with preservatives etc. If we don't buy it, they won't make it!

"Snails pace............"

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 45

What is it about the corporate world that makes it so uncivilized? There are no morals, ethics, decent behavior.........in fact, it's as uncivilized as one can get..........all for the accruement of money..........

So one cannot behave like a pig in the ordinary world, but as soon as it makes money, then it is totally acceptable???

The fact is, the people who accept this behavior to make money are selling their souls, and become like zombie drug addicts just waiting for he next "fix" ie payday. Soon, like...before this summer, there will be some major changes in the financial world, changes that will free us of this addiction.........just wait, there is a lot coming, and that will only be the tip of the iceberg!

"Corporate thinking.........."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 44

“Peace in turmoil……………”
Whenever I’m in personal turmoil, I always turn to the elements of Earth to calm me down…….. I meditate and become the elements……..
My soul like the mountains…….sturdy, strong, slow to weather and change…..yet change it does over many lifetimes….
My spirit like the fire…… aggressive, fiery, uncontrolled and without restraint… destructive…
My body like the earth soil….. ever changing, easy to weather….ever recycled in the cycle of life and death……
My emotions like the water………. flowing and changing…….. sometimes overpowering and destructive…….other times calm………..
My thoughts like the wind……. ever changing…. fleeting…..flowing…….turbulent at times………quiet when asked…………
….and then I remember who I am……..and why I have come here………and nothing else matters………cause for a brief moment I am one with the light……the divine spark………the universe…….the one called creator………… and my purpose become clear again………..

Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 43

Bullshit.............. we are being fed it every day, in fact, we swim in it daily. From the moment you turn on your morning radio, or tv, till the time you retire for bed..........bullshit......... and we believe it........we accept it........ we live in it until we are infected by its very nature.......until we cannot distinguish between what's real and what's bullshit.............

We all know the yin yang, the symbol for duality..............but what if it has become an evil cycle of duality.......governed by very evil masterminds...........and no matter how you look at it........as long as they govern it........it will remain evil.............

Only until the human race wakes up, wipe the shit out of their faces and stand up for what is rightfully theirs.......freedom, abundance, shelter, security and peace ...........

"Evil duality..........."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 42

Freedom................ just how much freedom do you think you have? Once we start putting things is perspective and really start to look at things........just how free are you? To try and put it all in one blog would take thousands of pages......seriously. Maybe watch the Zeitgeist movies............. then decide for yourself......www.zeitgeist.com


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 41

Have you guys ever noticed how much violence there is on TV and the movies? Almost every single TV program has violence in of form of another, children's cartoons have more violence than adult programs........WTF??? ..........and then we wonder why the world is so f...cked up and everybody is so "pro war". It is almost as if we are deliberately being desentized to violence........... so that when we see somebody being beaten, raped, murdered...........we can just look the other way and think...."Well, at least it's not me!".......well, f...ck me, isn't this a wonderful world! Wake up people and stop watching TV!!!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 40

I was talking to a friend yesterday about wearing freaky contact lenses with all different colors and cool designs, and I was wondering why more people don't wear them. Then it hit me like a brick........acceptance.......Most people do not even accept themselves the way they are, never-mind other people. Why is it that we have such problems with skin color and eye shapes, when all of us are human? And what is wrong with wearing cool contacts and rainbow colored wigs? If it means a bit more fun and happiness in this world, then I'm all for it, we need more of that and less seriousness, death and despair..........SeRiOuSlY!

What we need to do is look into each others eyes and see our souls, our true selves..........then nothing else will matter.........because nothing else matters................

"Soul windows................"

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 39

How often is it that we are stranded within our own thoughts and beliefs, how they more than just create our world, but mold the very fabric of our being and consciousness. I wonder how many people realize that ours is a world governed more than just the law of attraction, that we also have the law of duality, and its manifestation is especially prevalent in our thoughts, not feelings. In other words, for every good thought or action, there must be a bad, it's the make-up of our current world. And I wonder how many people know that the world as we know it is about to change profoundly........ for the good that is. Very soon there will be disclosure, the world financial system will change and be based on precious metals, poverty will be unheard of, no more nuclear waste............ sounds too good? Those who have been in control have made sure that we have been stranded in our thoughts....but wait........ their time is up, and our freedom is upon us......... finally........

"Stranded thoughts..........."

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 38

Why is it that people would prefer living in congested urban environments rather than an open country area? Understandably work and convenience, but if we as a population demand housing and convenience in rural areas, the developers will have to listen. I don't think the general population actually realize how much power they really have to change things. If people cheat you or manufacture something that isn't good, DON'T BUY IT! The problem is that we like to shoot ourselves in the feet because we tell ourselves, bad is better than nothing...........BULL! If we stop buying, they HAVE to change it, period.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 37

You know, the buzz around here recently has been the prediction of a "teacher Wang" who has used feng shui to predict that Taiwan will be hit by a 14 on the richter scale earthquake on Wed May 11 at 10: 42:36 am that will split the island in two, followed by a 170m tsunami on the 17th. Bummer......... and here I thought I could go a year with my sketch a day....... Well, if it does happen and we do somehow survive, which maybe I don't want to, then I won't be able to tell anyone about it. I mean, if you really think about it, surviving an earthquake of that magnitude is worse than dying in it, can you imagine........... no buildings will be left standing, no roads accessible, the survivors would possibly starve, one cannot escape to the mountains here cause of landslides, disease cause of rotting corpses etc etc...........

Reminds me of what happened on Easter Island, them destroying all their palm trees to build statues, to a point where they couldn't fish anymore and ended up with cannibalism.......what was the driving force behind making these statues that was more important than their own survival? Would love to know!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 36

So I was busy doing a Celtic drawing, and if you have ever attempted one, you'll notice the intelligence of it all. They are so cleverly constructed, and they intertwine so beautifully............. surely we underestimated their intelligences? Just a thought........

"Intelligent Kells..........."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 35

So....... "animal instincts" hey.......... wonder where that expression came from then? Some people argue that it refers to behavior or urges that are not logical, less human and more animal. They also say it's an inherent inclination toward a particular behavior...................hmmm.........let's think about this then......... we watch as our fellow humans starve to death, we watch as unemployed starving huddle under bridges, we watch our or other governments bomb cities from afar............ we watch as OUR air, water and plants get polluted AND we willingly ingest that! What exactly is it then that you are doing to change that? Earth day came and went, yeah, yeah we all love earth bullshit......... just how much did anybody do to change their effects on polluting the earth........... us humans don't have animal instincts, we are worse than animals........... at least they won't kill each other just for fun or because one idiot decides to have a quarrel with another......... they also don't willingly poison their own water and air................. maybe we should more aptly term our behavior "human instincts"......

"Animal instincts....................."